Our Automotive Trunk Control solution includes the SPC5-EV-ADIS adapter that you can combine with the SPC560B-DIS Discovery board along with VIPower “easy boards” addressing several motor drivers for automotive applications such as Trunk Lock, Power Lift gate, relay replacement, and more

ST, leading supplier of IC solutions for Smart Driving and IoT, provides a wide offer for the motor driving like:
- Smart Driving
- Power trunk lifts
- Power lift gates
- Door locks
- Cinch/ Latch systems
- IoT and other applications
- Robotic vacuum cleaners
- Window blinds
- Smart door locks
- Key Product Benefits Solution Kit based on Automotive SPC5 Microcontroller and Smart Power H-Bridge drivers belonging to VIPower VNH7 family and securing higher integration of features for cheaper and smaller Motor Control applications. System & product modularity enable coverage of multiple DC motors over a large power range.H-bridge motor driver key benefits:
- EV-VNH7100BAS RON typ. 100mΩ
- EV-VNH7040AY RON typ. 40mΩ
- EV-VNH7070BAS RON typ. 70mΩGeneral device features
- 3 V CMOS-compatible inputs
- Undervoltage shutdown
- Overvoltage clamp
- Thermal shutdown
- Cross-conduction protection
- Current and power limitation
- Very low standby power consumption
- Protection against loss of ground and loss of VCC
- PWM operation up to 20 kHz
- MultiSense diagnostic functions
- Output protected against short to ground and short to VCC
- Standby Mode
- Half Bridge Operation
Automotive Trunk Control solution includes the SPC5-EV-ADIS adapter that you can combine with the SPC560B-DIS Discovery board along with VIPower “easy boards” addressing several motor drivers for automotive applications such as Trunk Lock, Power Lift gate, relay replacement, and more